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Euro Management Company LTD

LUGANO Project 2024
The accurate study previously done by EMC INVEST, more than providing basic information about land use regulations in Lugano, gave us a reliable direction to our design concept.
They provided us a good foundation for our proposal and due to their previous work, the project was already advanced before it even started.
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In the world of interior design, the blending of old and new has become a popular trend. Traditional elements infused with modern sensibilities have given rise to a captivating style known as “Modern Interior Design with a Twist.”
This innovative approach embraces the past while reimagining it for the present, resulting in unique and visually stunning spaces. In this article, we’ll explore what is modern interior design with a twist and how this revamps tradition.
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Lugano, the largest town in the holiday region of Ticino, is not only Switzerland’s third most important financial centre and a conference, banking and business centre, but also a town of parks and flowers, villas and sacred buildings.
With Mediterranean flair, Lugano offers all the advantages of a world-class city, combined with the cachet of a small town.
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